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2nd Lebanese Pipe Organ Week

Prof. Bernhard Gfrerer, one of Austria's leading Organists, performed on our church pipe organ many wonderful musical pieces: Mozart, Bach, Wagner, Mendelssohn, Lefébure-Wély, Dubois and Gigout. This is the second consecutive year that Notre Dame University-Louaize and Terra Sancta Organ Festival organizing this Week of organ music in Lebanon. And they concluded the Week celebration at our church on Sunday, Feb.5, 2017. Rev. Habib Badr introduced the organist and welcomed the Apostolic Nuncio to Lebanon, Gabriele Caccia; Ambassador of Austria, Marian Wrba; Head of the School of Music of Notre Dame University–Louaize, Fr. Khalil Rahme, and the superintendent of the Terra Sancta Organ Festival and Delegate for Music of the Custody of the Holy Land, Br. Riccardo.



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