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Culture of the Word

On the occasion of celebrating the 150th anniversary of the founding the American University of Beirut (The Syrian Protestant College) Rev. Habib Badr participated in the celebration organized by Abey-Ain Drafil municipality at the old Evangelical seminary in the town, at the cradle of AUB. The ceremony took place on Monday, October 3, 2016. President of AUB, Dr. Fadlo Khouri unveiled a memorial plaque for the occasion. The ceremony included speeches by Rev. Badr, Dr. Khouri, Mr. Ghassan Hamze (Mayer of Abey), and Mr. Mounir Hamze (Association for Revival of Abey Heritage). Music by Ihab Jamal also accompanied the event.

“The Evangelical ethos is based in the culture of the "Word" ”, said Rev. Badr, “therefore, the educating and learning process is an integral part of the Evangelical church since the beginning of the Reformation”. Rev. Badr also encouraged educational institutions in Lebanon to train their students to resolve the conflicts in peaceful and constructive ways. 

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