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Middle East's First Female Pastor

Middle East's first female pastor, Rev. Rola Sleiman, was ordained in the National Evangelical Church of Tripoli, Lebanon, on Sunday 26th of February 2017. Rev. Habib Badr with many Protestant local and international ministers, along with teachers, students from NEST and many faithful believers participated in the ceremony.

Rev. Rola was born in Tripoli and graduated from Near East School of Theology. She is 40 years old, full of love and dedication to the church, and to her own people. She has been serving her community and Tripoli Evangelical church, which is part of the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon, since 2005. Adding to this, Tripoli is the second largest city in Lebanon that confronted with enormous security, economic and religious challenges. 

People were very happy and pastors were very proud to see an equal female minister with them. 

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