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Award to Rev. Klaus Schmidt

On the occasion of the last visit of Rev. Klaus Schmidt, the retiring Chairman of the Schneller Association in Germany (EVS) and Rev. Uwe Gräbe to our church, Rev. Badr decorated Rev. Schmidt the "Medals of Service" for his 55 years of continual ministry in Germany and Lebanon on behalf of EMS, EVS and the two Schneller Schools in Bekaa and Jordan.

The EVS also is hosting General Meeting at the Church of Nikodemus in Stuttgart Botnang on Sunday 22nd of October 2017. During this event, Rev. Schmidt will be awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for his many years of commitment to Schneller work. Rev. Habib Badr will give the sermon on that occasion. (The last 2 photos are added later and taken during the 22nd celebration).   

We thank the Lord for Rev. Schmidt's faithful ministry and dedication.  

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