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The 500th Jubilee of the Reformation in Lebanon

On the occasion of the 500th Jubilee of Reformation, tha National Evangelical Church of Beirut (NECB) hosted a joint worship service for all Evangelical churches in Lebanon on Sunday, Oct. 29, 2017, organized by "Reformation Sunday Committee". The head of the Supreme Council of the Evangelical Churches in Syria and Lebanon, Rev. Dr. Salim Sahyouni, mentioned that the service of this year is of dual importance. It comes on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation Movement, with its all positive and negative impacts, the challenges it faced during these long years, and the significant achievements on the ecumenical level. 

Furthermore, it comes with two important events. The visit of Pope Francis to Lund (Sweden) in order to inaugurate the Year of the Jubilee in which a joint communiqué was issued with the President of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Bishop Munib Younan, and the meeting of Pope Francis with the Patriarch Kirill of Moscow in Cuba and their joint statement. Rev. Sahyouni stressed the uniqueness of the ecumenical developments that we are witnessing. He implored God to grant His church the trust to preserve the blessings of Reformation and its legacy.

After a short video entitled "History Witnesses", Rev. Nabil Mamarbashi delivered the opening prayer on behalf of Rev. Dr. Habib Badr the senior pastor of NECB. The meditation given by the Rev. Dr. Ghassan Khalaf was entitled "The Constant Jesus-Revolution", in which he presented the profound implications of the Protestant Movement and its achievements worldwide on theological, ethical, social, political and scientific levels.

Refreshments followed the event and Rev. Sahyouni was honored by the Committee.  




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